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Friday, July 29, 2011

The Reunion (Part Four)

Lori convinced Tommy to drive instead of taking the plane to Missouri.  She argued that they had all the time in the world to look around and see what laid between Dallas and Saint Louis.  As usual, they had to make a stop every hour to find a restroom for Lori.  She reminded herself that she was fortunate to be with someone that was caring enough just to joke around about her tiny bladder, rather than become inpatient and cranky at her need to relieve herself so often.

“You know”, Tommy said as Lori got back in the car from her quick trip to the ladies’ room, “maybe if you wouldn’t buy the super-sized cola, you could last longer between stops. Just a thought.”  He said smiling.

She adjusted her body to a comfortable position in the seat as she pulled back her long and thick, wild red hair.  Tommy wore a baseball cap to pull back his hair while he drove.  It was red and as thick as Lori’s.  They sometimes had a good laugh when they tricked people into thinking they were brother and sister.  Most of their village back in Europe had these distinct traits, red hair, freckles and chiseled facial features. “The Two Gingers” became their favorite tag line.

“Do you think the others will understand the impact of what Joseph is showing them?  He is dead set on keeping House of Ancient Coins and Curios open and running. I know Jago doesn’t like change and Adam and Neecie would rather sit on information and stop any experimentation to find the benefits of what we can do with the coins.”

Tommy replied, “Joseph will know what to say and how to present all of this. He is the reason we are here in the first place.  Because of him I am not afraid of anything, but he makes me scared most of the time.” He gave a half smile to Lori. “We are different and we hide in the open.  Will we be able to carry on if we use the new gifts? I don’t know…”

“One thing is certain my man,” she grinned, “absolutely and positively certain.”

He looked at her with raised eyebrows, “What!?”

“I have to go to the bathroom . . .”


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