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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Reunion (Part Five)

My two favorite red heads have been staying with us for three days now, making our family of ten complete.  It’s been a bitter sweet reunion because of the new discovery Tommy made several years ago regarding the ore the ancient coins are made of and our body chemistry.  I am not sure how far I need to go to prove that this is good for us. All I ever intended was to help our fellow humans along their path.   I don’t want us to be super heroes - just benevolent shadows assisting and saving where ever possible. If it wasn’t for House of Ancient Coins and Curios, we never would have found the coins and we would have just kept existing and eventually seeking death but never finding it.

So my dear reader you ask, “Just exactly how old are you, Joseph?”  As fantastic as it sounds, I am very, very old.  If I answer, what would you think of me --- and all of the others?  I have told normal human friends my age and they laugh and ask “How is that possible?”   I will tell you that the youngest of us was born before America was named.  But I am the oldest and have been with Eve for a long time and I hope to be with her for all eternity.  You see, we cannot make love to normal humans.  Our body chemistry doesn’t allow it.  Once one of us mates with another, our chemistries are bound together for eternity and we cannot be with anyone else without our body fluids harming them severely.  We can touch skin, shake hands, but never exchange our fluids with others.  We are poison to humankind in that respect.  But the best part of one mate for all eternity is the fact that when we touch and come together, the euphoria we experience each and every time is unlike anything you could imagine.  We are addicted to each other and no one could ever break this.  Regrettably we cannot bear children because of the change we went through due to taking the “medicine”, but the ten of us have each other to walk through time as eternal companions.  Enough of rambling through this blog!  I will continue the story.

“The others are apprehensive about the coins, aren’t they?” Tommy questioned.  “Neecie and Adam are downright frightened and want to completely bury the fact that we can do these amazing things.  Why Joseph?  We have been trudging along through decades wondering why we are here and are different, and now that we have an answer (of sorts) why do we need to run from it?”

I shook my head and smiled, “I suppose we should embrace change since so much of the world tends to repeat itself right before our eyes.  Granted, it will break the boredom of our longevity, but also lend to the possibility of exposing us to the world.” I got up from my chair and moved to the light switch to illuminate the impending darkness.  The dim light of sunset was filling the room and Eve passed by carrying a bowl approving my actions.  She and Lori were preparing a surprise feast for our group in the kitchen and Tommy wanted this chance to speak with me in private.

“We’ve spent a lot of energy hiding and avoiding helping those around us.  Why should we be here at all if we can’t at least give hope to those around us?“

I returned to my seat. “The others will be here shortly, what can you present to them to change their minds?”

“Maybe one of these.” Tommy sat up and pulled an ancient Roman bronze coin from his pocket. “A token from”

The others arrived two by two within thirty minutes time.  The usual chatter echoed throughout the house with moments of Jago’s loud laughter overpowering nearby conversations. I cherish these moments, when we all come together to share the time we have been given.  

So much time . . . . Will it end?

After our feast of chicken and rice (Eve named this the “peasant’s feast” after the meals we had so long ago) we slowly settled into the living room.  Some sat on the floor while others got comfortable on the furniture.  Just as all was quieting down, Tommy floated into the room as though he were swimming through water in a pool.  The others stood and looked up at him through their startled expressions.

Jago broke the silence, “Does he have to do that?”


1 comment:

  1. I really tried to convince Tommy not to do that, but he was set on making a statement to the others.
