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Monday, April 30, 2012

Where is Everyone?!

Joseph! Eve! Hello....anyone?!  This is RJ writing to you.  Please let me know where you are and what is happening.  It's not like all of you to leave without a word.  What should I do?

I am keeping your website up  --- shall I keep paying your bills and and having someone mow all of your lawns?  This is really a lot of work and worry.....

At least send a comment below to let me know what is going on!!!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Feeling Better Now

I can type now that my fingers have grown back ... they are still a little "raw" but working.  Billy had ambushed us by detonating a roadside bomb as we drove passed  him through a secluded location (We decided to drive to Rome and then to the airport).   The bomb was large enough to blow our car to pieces as well as our bodies.  The news reports said that terrorist targeted a group of Americans traveling through Italy, (us), but there was no identification to be found in the debris to tell who we were. Body parts that could be identified were brought to the morgue and placed in a hold over refrigeration unit (that's what Jago told us when we became aware, we were not exactly in a conscious state to know what was happening).
So --- Adam, Chester and myself were the ones blown to bits, leaving Jago and Tommy the responsibility of finding our remains and the clay jar containing the potion.  They did a great job of pulling it all together --- so here we are and here I am typing.  We reconstituted withing 72 hours and were up and about within five days time.
Eve --- if you are reading this, you know what to prepare for Billy.  We talked about it . . .he must be CONTAINED if we can't stop him permanently . . . .communicate in the usual way ... no one reads this blog, so it's safe.
I'll write more soon ...we need to sleep in one more day.
