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Monday, April 30, 2012

Where is Everyone?!

Joseph! Eve! Hello....anyone?!  This is RJ writing to you.  Please let me know where you are and what is happening.  It's not like all of you to leave without a word.  What should I do?

I am keeping your website up  --- shall I keep paying your bills and and having someone mow all of your lawns?  This is really a lot of work and worry.....

At least send a comment below to let me know what is going on!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. RJ, Joseph has been missing for several days. We don't want to give Billy any information regarding where we are. Even though we cannot be killed, we can be detained for decades, even thousands of years if imprisoned or worse....


  3. Eve, I thought you and the ladies detained Billy. Is there anything I can do on this end? I have the funds you left in my care if you need me to send money. Has anyone returned to Missouri?


  4. RJ---we saw your ad on Twitter....lay low. Billy doesn't know who you are. He is very powerful at the money, but we think we know how to defuse his source. He isn't like us...he is different...mutated chemically some how.
    We will be back as soon as we can....I'll contact later....we have to fine where Billy buried Joseph.


  5. PS -- typing from a cell phone in a truck on a bumpy road....if words don't fit I'll expalin later,,,,


  6. Alright...can I at least send for help on my own? You have other friends---I have friends!! Why isn't anyone calling on a cell phone? I have a phone!! Where are you? At least tell me that....


  7. RJ --- Fortunately everyone thinks this blog is fake...just stories, so we use it to communicate. Tommy and I are in Ireland at the place of our birth ... we left something there that we need now. Neecie and Adam are in London, Chester and Dani are in Rome and Eve, Mona and Jago are traveling to a remote site that we can't disclose at the moment because Billy is probably reading this. Okay ... so you stay put because you can be hurt or killed...we cannot. I'll wriet more later.

  8. You can be calm at a time like this, but I can't! What happened to Joseph? I had a rough time trying to sleep last night. You all pay me well, to help you, but this is a little out of the box for me!! I'm not a fighter like all of you and I bleed and anything I get cut off will not grow back the way it does with you all!
    What should I do, Eve?


  9. RJ, listen --- don't worry!! We have been in situations before. We were hunted and burned as witches four hundred years ago. We have survived terrible abuse and we learned not to hold a grudge...but in Billy's case --- he could destroy our current civilization by exposing us and the medicine Joseph created. We will work this out. In the meanwhile, why don't you write the blog for Joseph and tell a story? We will be okay.

