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Monday, March 5, 2012

We'll Be Back Soon

Sorry that we are taking so long in Europe.  We are on Billy's trail (you'll see why when I continue the story as to why we need to get him) and still haven't found any coins with meteor residue.  Billy may have been a one in a trillion fluke event . . .we have to contain him so he won't let his threat come true regarding us and the mortal humans.
Thank you for being patient ... Eve sends her love and if you have been reading all of the comments at the end of each blog, you'll see that we communicate through social media for fun --- to break our boredom.   Have fun watching us through this blog, Twitter, Facebook and our web store:

I'll send RJ the next part to "Billy" ASAP.

Thanks for reading,



  1. Hmmmm...sounds like you are getting lazy in your old age Joseph .... or maybe just getting old is making you tired.


  2. You're stupid aren't you? Someday Billy --- when you grow up --- you'll understand who we are and why we are.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Billy, I removed your comment --- have more manners...I won't let you swear on my blog or demean my family.


  5. Okay ... we need to head to Germany, someone is selling a off a hoard a little at a time through Ebay...the coins maybe in their possession. We need to get some ASAP before these are sold. Jago is buying the Roman / Byzantine coins today. He is gonna' make the seller very happy ...he is starting all his bids at $200.00.


  6. Thanks guys! I'll wrap things up here in the UK and meet you in Hamburg.


  7. Oh, RJ --- I'll send a story along in a couple of days.


  8. Joseph...I got the coins ... went to Germany and bought them. The guy was nice enough to take them off of EBay for an extra $200.00.

