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Friday, March 30, 2012

Sorry my Friends!!

Sorry --- we aren't back from Europe yet and the story is hanging on Part 4!
 If you have been following our comments, Tommy has found and purchased a hoard of ancient coins that we have been looking for.  I am traveling to meet him in London and should arrive there Sunday (I have some stops to make).
In the meanwhile, catch up on the stories below and read our comments to keep up.  We like using social media as a way to communicate or as a back up to send information.  We are also on Twitter as @ancientscoin ---- the heading is "Joseph Ancient"
Be sure to visit:

The story will continue soon . . . we heard Billy was heading back to the States with some coins, too.  We'll have to track him down and deal with him.



  1. Is Billy in the US right now? Answer your cell phone or at least turn it on!!


  2. We lost Billy . . . let us know if he turns up there. Check with the sentinels we hired.


  3. LOL --- you're all so slow....must be old age...Hahahahaha!


  4. Stay off of our turf, Billy! We're going to find you and stop you! Why can't you see the destruction you will cause?


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Looks like your typing from a phone or your just stupid. We are coming for you. You can't tell anyone about us or about what made us. Are you so ignorant that you can't see the big picture?


  7. You boys sound like little kids..."you're stupid" --- "no you're stupid" ... can't you at least sound like men?


  8. You tell 'em baby!


  9. Drop dead - Billy!


  10. Joseph ... why haven't you written anything?

  11. Billy ambushed us with a road bomb and killed us. We reconstituted but still cannot travel due to our current appearance. It will be several weeks before we an travel. Eve if you see this comment, you know what to may have found the material to make other immortals...the original potion is still in my possession. Eve, it's up to you and the other girls to stop Billy . . . . he may be there soon.


  12. We'll take care of it .... I'll keep a journal to let you know what is happening....shall I keep it here ... no one reads this and it's quick and accessible.


  13. Eve, tell Lori I am coming back together nicely and I'll be back home soon. We need about another 48 hours for the regeneration to complete. And tell her --- no, Little Tommy, little Tommy is still the same size as before. :-) LOL . . . .


  14. :-) Bummer for her!


  15. Trust me's no bummer :-)


  16. Joseph! We have him, we have Billy . . . just took a little cleavage and bit of thigh :-)

