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Thursday, January 26, 2012

One Cool Spring Night

The Ancients and friends were called away on business.  Joseph told me to recap a few of his old thoughts.  Enjoy the mid-season reruns. 
- R J Perry

Once in “Blue Moon” my friends and I get together for dinner and drinks to remember the wonderful times we had in our youth.  It was on a cool spring evening that several of us and our spouses settled in at a local outdoor grill for food and laughter encouraged by our bottomless beer mugs.
“Jago” brought his wife Mona and Chester brought Dani. I of course brought Eve and we all dominated the area of the patio where we were sitting.  Jago (we still don’t remember why he is called “Jago”, but we knew it wasn’t his real name), was laughing loudly enough to annoy the table next to us into taking their drinks to the inside of the bar rather than remain by us.  He smiled widely as he threw back the rest of his glass of beer with a loud gulp.
“Ah, these are the times, eh friends?”
Chester (who also adopted that name instead of his birth name) agreed by raising his glass.  Mona shook her head as Dani and Eve looked at each other with an expression that said “Oh no, not again”.
Jago looked at me with an impish grin and asked, “So I see you have gone public to the world with that website - “House of Ancient Coins and Junk”.
I corrected him. “That’s house of Ancient Coins and Curios, and I haven’t really gone public, I am just arousing their curiosity”.
“Looks like that could be dangerous to the rest of us.” Chester said with concern.
The ladies decided to adjourn to the bar area as we began to discuss a very old subject.  They didn’t want to know too much about the others spouse.  Jago poured us each another round and sat down.
“Don’t worry”, I assured them, “they would never believe any of us, even if we were honest to their faces.  It’s too hard to accept the truth, so we give a little to mislead”.
“You sound more like you teasing them”, Chester said as he took a drink.
“Why do you share these things, and why do you continue to buy and sell?” Jago asked.
I replied, “The older I get the harder it is to remember everything.  I suppose it’s nature’s way of keeping our minds fresh and sharp.  No one has done what we have done.”
“Why coins?” asked Jago.
“They are easy to store and I can pull them out to reminisce whenever I like.  Aren’t either of you having the same problem?”
They both agreed with a nod.
I continued, “I have many of these trinkets to offer everyone.  When you hold one in your hand it makes me feel like I am there, in the desert or walking the streets of Rome. That’s why I am offering these coins and artifacts to everyone.  They can experience this too.  Why don’t you guys try it?”
“Do you have any with you? “ Jago asked.
“No.  Go to and buy some!”
“You would charge us?” laughed Chester.
“Do you want to remember?” I asked them. “Then like everyone else go to House of Ancient Coins and Curios and pick up something. Hold history in your hands boys!”
“Ah, you’re an idiot”, Jago said waving his hand, “but here’s to the good old days!” He stood and gestured his glass to toast.
The girls came back out at that moment and looked at each other with a look that said “It’s going to be a long night”.


  1. Thanks RJ -- we'll be back once we capture Billy. He has turned into a huge threat to our freedom.


  2. Still hiding in the open, Joseph?


  3. I'm sorry you went through all of this the hard way. We're coming for you.


  4. Let me have him Joseph. I am the one he dishonored.


  5. No --- let me have him for what he put Lori through.


  6. LOL!! It's so very nice to be so wanted. I mean no harm! My immortality was an accident and it's more Joseph's fault than mine.


  7. If you would have been a decent human being and treated others differently we would have welcomed you into our group. But you are a cad, a liar and need to be taught your place.


  8. He will find his place when we catch up to him!!!!!


  9. Catch me if you can!!!!

