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Monday, November 21, 2011

My Wife

What exactly is a “wife”.  She is not someone we get used to and have sex with when the weekend comes around.  She is not the person that holds down a full-time job and keeps the household in order while the husband does “man things” and has the guys over for “the game” on Sunday night.  My wife has always been above and beyond this.  She knows what I need before I ask and she smiles when she knows that I will scratch my head wondering how she knew what to do to make something work that I had been puzzling over.

Although we have been together for many centuries, we have established a bond that goes beyond the husband / wife relationship.  We are truly kinfolk and we are truly one flesh and one mind and one soul.  Now please dear reader --- please, let it be known that we have our moments of disagreement, but we always make amends after talking things over (or Eve gives me a swift kick to the gonads to make me realize I am at fault). Eve is not an ordinary woman by any means --- she has timeless beauty and a keen awareness of everyone and everything around her coupled with an intuition that is almost psychic and all seeing.  The other ladies in our family of immortals were somewhat jealous at first, but grew to love her as I do and would go to her for motherly (or sisterly) advice when a situation prompted them to seek assistance.  My wife is my best friend and I am confident that anything I tell her or give to her will remain a secret until I say it wasn’t necessary to hold it inside any longer. 

Over the centuries she has given me sound advice and wisdom when I have needed it -- or helped me when my own emotions and thoughts clouded my judgment.  The others will never know if I had made a mistake because Eve is always there to fix things when I falter.  What a great friend she is!

On a different note, she is very playful and she is often able to surprise me when I least expect it. Whether it’s out to dinner and all she is wearing under her long coat is panties or surprising me in the hot tub by being the aggressive lover.  She always laughs at my jokes even when they are stupid and she fixes a joke if I get it wrong in front of friends. She has a contagious personality that people cling to and they walk away feeling positive after being around her.

One thing about Eve --- do not make her mad or get on her bad side.  She will descend on an enemy like trapped prey, either humiliating them into submission or taking the knife she conceals out of its hiding place and slicing them into little pieces.  (Of course it has been many years since she’s had to fight in such a manner, but Jago has coerced her into a rage so often that she has stabbed him through the heart at least 10 times in 2000 years).  Yes, such a dangerous beauty and yet so frail and tender at times.

None of us can have children – this has weighed heavy on her, more so than the other women in our group.  She is a mentor, sister, best friend and mother to all of the people we have given the gift to – we are time walkers now (a phrase created by Adam many years ago), and we support one another the best we can, but Eve would give up her life (if it were possible) to protect any of us from capture or recognition. Since none of us have any living family,  she has been appointed the unofficial Mother of the group.   

We tried very hard to have children and even tried to use science to assist, but the potion or medicine (as we call it) will not allow this.  We are unchangeable and a child in one of our ladies’ bodies will not take because it is “change”. So, my five foot five, auburn hair wife with the body that launched a thousand ships (I joke about that with her since history said her face launched the ships) is truly loyal to our family of friends and we are blessed to be able to walk through time together like a family.  But Billy has changed the pattern of things thanks to the meteor residue on the ancient coins….that is another story to be told soon.

So men who read this … love your wives and woman who read this be patient with your husbands . . .  whether we men are 25 years old or 3000 years old, we are still boys at heart.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Visit Joseph Ancient’s real web store at  HTTP://WWW.ANCIENTSCOIN.COM


  1. sweet. Thank you baby!!


  2. Wonderful words, oh great leader :-)


  3. Billy again? It was a mistake ... I said I was sorry.


  4. Nobody cares about Billy, Lori ---- stop it!

