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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Billy (Interlude Number Two)

Billy was growing tired of watching his neighbor’s bizarre group of friends (or family?) from afar, and concocted a plan to get closer.  These people seemed technologically astute, so Billy thought that offering his services as an electrician and home network installer would get their attention. He printed out a hundred flyers and circulated some to about 20 houses around the block. He paid two twelve year old kids twenty-dollars to put them in mailboxes and in doorways, and then he had them repeat this three times over two weeks. He wanted to make sure someone in the household looked at one of cheap promo’s he was offering, hoping he would get a call.

Two weeks went by and several neighbors called inquiring about his service, but Billy put them off by saying their setup would be a thousand dollars more than he was offering in the promo because of wiring.  After two more weeks of waiting, Billy decided to help matters along by calling on the Ancient’s regarding his services.  He knew they must have received at least three flyers with his name and phone number enclosed, and he could prove he was a legitimate technician due to his certifications (if they asked for them).   He worked up the nerve to walk down to their house, knock on their door and introduce himself.  Eve answered the door and Billy tried as hard as he could not to stare at her or work his eyes downward to her breast and legs.  He had never seen someone so beautiful and sensual in his life.  Even in jeans and a tee shirt she appeared to be flawless and had a certain command about her, as if she were someone to worship.

“May I help you?” she asked with the partially opened door chained from the inside.

“Yes ma’am,” he answered politely, “I’m a neighbor from across the way and I sent out some fliers to the neighborhood --- now I am following up on those.” He smiled with a charming grin at the end of his introduction.

“Oh, are you the one that works on the home networks?” Eve asked

“Yes, that’s me. I . . . .”

Eve interrupted, “Hold on,” she said as she unchained the door, “Joseph, that guy that does the home network stuff is here.” She called out and Billy’s surprise. He wondered if they could read minds, too.

Eve lead Billy to Joseph’s home office.  Billy looked over everything he passed with laser like attention, remembering as many things as he could as he passed them.  He wanted to save any bit of information he could for analysis later.  He was taken directly to Joseph’s home office and introduced by Eve.

“So”, Joseph said, “you’re timing is excellent.  I don’t have time myself to hook up what I want so I think I will rely on you.  What’s your name, again?” he asked extending his hand to shake.

“Billy, Billy Hollander.” He said as he took Joseph's hand. “What do you need?”  Billy asked as he sat in a chair in front of Joseph’s desk.

While Joseph was explaining how he wanted his network to work, Billy’s eye shifted back and forth looking for information on the desk, on the book shelves and every where he could -- to learn more about the Ancients.  His eyes moved to a table sitting to the left of Joseph’s desk.  There was a microscopic device in the center of the table surrounded by hundreds of old coins … ancient coins.  He wondered what all that was about and made certain to remember what he saw.

“So that’s what I need, Mr. Hollander.”

“Call me Billy.” The younger man said. “No problem, Mr. Ancient.  I will get an estimate together and bring it by tomorrow afternoon.

“Please.  We’re neighbors, call me Joseph.”

Billy smiled and got up from the chair and Joseph walked him back to the front door.  They exchanged a farewell and Billy headed back to his house, barely containing the excitement he was feeling.  At last he could find out first hand what was going on in the Ancient’s household.

(End of Interlude Number Two as told was told to and written by RJ Perry)

Visit Joseph Ancient’s real web store at  HTTP://WWW.ANCIENTSCOIN.COM


  1. Joseph?! Why are you chopping up the stories like this? Who do you think you are? Quentin Terintino? Billy is a bad subject. We don't understand him and he says he is on our side, but he made promises he can't possibly keep. Stop reminding us about him . . .


  2. Lori, you seem to have a keen interest in avoiding the subject of Billy. Care to tell us why?


  3. Maybe she got a little too close to Billy and Tommy got a little upset that Billy is the only normal human that could touch us in a sensual manner without getting burnt.

