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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Leneeca (Part Three)

The mist residue from consuming the “medicine” was slowly dissipating off of Leneeca.  We hadn’t noticed before, but the ghostly vapor lifted the young woman off of the mat she was resting on and made her hover about five inches from its surface.  In ancient times that would have deep spiritual meaning, but in today’s science we know that the mist is displacing the oxygen around her causing the flotation effect.

The pain inflicted on me by my beautiful, but short tempered wife, subsided and my “genitalia” healed nicely.  After she cooled down from her moment of rage, she came back to where I sat recovering. “Why did you lie to me?” she asked with noticeable anger in her voice. “Why did you tell me the medicine was dried up?  Couldn’t you have trusted me and discussed your thoughts about hiding the potion?” She threw up her arms in frustration questioning why I hid the truth.

“I lied because you keep influencing me to make more people like us.  Now there are five of us.  We are not like the others and it’s wrong to put others through this for all eternity.”  I felt my throat 'lump up' as I spoke. “We have no right to disperse this abominable gift.”

Eve drew closer to me and put her arms around my neck, then squeezed, tightly . . . lovingly.
“We are all the same. We just can’t be touched by death or other human beings.  Jago, Mona and Leneeca are special.  They are like family to us and I don’t regret giving them the gift.  I understand your need to control this, but please include me.  We are in this together.  But I do have one question – how did you know Leneeca wouldn’t drown in her own fluids when given the medicine?”

“I didn’t.  She was moments away from death, so I decided to take the risk.  I am happy she is alive.  She deserves life and she will make the world a better place.”

When the mist disappeared, Eve and I bathed Leneeca and made her as comfortable as possible – we knew she would be asleep for a while – maybe days.  The village people that she tended to and healed were paying vigil outside the shelter she used as a “hospital” for the sick.  They sat praying to the gods that she would be made well.  They felt that she deserved life and  quite simply, everyone loved her and said they would gladly take place in death.

Six days passed and Leneeca finally awoke, feeling hungry and very thirsty.  Eve and several other women from the community helped her get cleaned and dressed and eventually fed.  When the three of us were finally alone, I manipulated the conversation to explain her miraculous recovery.

“We are so glad you are well.” I said.

“I don’t know how this can be.  I am sure I was dying.” She replied.

Eve smiled and kissed Leneeca’s cheek, “You were moments from death but we saved you.”

“I was dying. How?” she asked.

Eve and I both explained how we have this medicine that I made many years ago, that when given to someone will make them immortal and untouchable by death.  We also explained about the body fluids and how we can only have one mate for all eternity because our bodies will adapt to the first immortal person we have sex with.  We encouraged her to consider love before sex at all cost, because she will be with that person for all eternity.

“So if I spit on someone it will burn them like fire?  If a man puts his flesh inside of me it will burn up and only one immortal may be my mate for eternity?”  She repeated all she learned. “My husband was murdered by the Romans.  I would have wanted him to be with me forever.“ 

She began to laugh hysterically and then she wept.  We knew what was to follow – the “crazy time” as we called it.  Just after the potion heals it causes an emotional breakdown that could last for hours or weeks.  (We found out later that this was due to the drastic change in the body’s chemistry. The hormones and physical  / chemical changes it brought were extreme.)

Leneeca cried for three days.  We tried to comfort her as much as we could, but she kept dwelling on her husband’s murder and how there can be no one else but him in this world as her love.  The village women began to talk among themselves suggesting that the sickness had driven the young woman mad --- we quelled the muttering and told them that she will recover if left alone.  From that point on we kept everyone away until the crazy time passed.

One late afternoon we heard laughter then a loud crash coming from where Leneeca had her bed.  We ran to see what had happened and found her table over turned and bed ripped apart.  Eve glanced out of a doorway and saw Leneeca running to the woods, ripping her clothes off as she ran.  We immediately chased after her, hoping that no one was seeing her running through the trees like a mad woman.

“Here we go again.” I said to Eve as we stopped to gain our bearings.

(To Be Continued . . . .)

Visit Joseph Ancient’s real web store at  House of Ancient Coins & Curios


  1. Okay Joseph, I've just read this and I am wondering what you're going to describe after my ripping off my own clothes. I'm not a T & A kind of a girl, so be a gentleman.


  2. Whatcha' mean Neecie, not to say anything about your tremendous "Cha-Cha's". :-)


  3. You're an idiot, Jago! Mona, how can you stand it?


  4. I drink a lot :-) LOL!!!


  5. Joseph ... don't you ever proof read your blogs?


  6. No Mona....I just write them and post them. Why?
    Did I mess up a lot in this one?


  7. After all these years you would think you'd just re-write!!


  8. Hey -- you guys have cell phones, right? Why don't you just call instead of posting here?!


  9. Firstly, Mona didn't the message asking about your writing, I did. Secondly, you NEVER answer your phone. And finally --- you need an editor. I'll do it if you want a good professional polish to your these blog stories.


  10. Lori, you make me laugh :-) You just want to control the story I will write about you and Tommy .... nope, not gonna' happen. Besides, LOL .... look at your last sentence --- you messed it up. Editor .... I don't think so....

